Monday, April 16, 2007

Pins and needles and all that jazz

We've been away over the weekend and of course I had to carry on with the injections which meant having to make my excuses to ‘powder my nose’.

On Saturday night we went to a family Silver Wedding party. It was held at a really posh English golf club, you know the one's - where women are only allowed in certain rooms and you have to have a double-barrelled surname just to be a member. As my mobile phone buzzed at 9 p.m. to remind me ‘it was time’ I hastily dashed off to the toilet. I got into the cubicle and checked that the door was firmly locked before opening the ‘goods'...wait.....was the door really locked?...I’ll just check...yes it is, pheww. I just had this vision of the Lady Captain accidentally opening the door to find one of the members daughters ‘acting inappropriately’ in the toilet – can you imagine it!

I’d chosen the 9 p.m. timeslot carefully so it would mean I would be home most of the time, which should have been the case last night but we got stuck in motorway traffic on the way home. So at 9 ish we had to stop in one of the furthest darkest corners of a motorway service station.

It seemed like every car that drove by, did so very slowly and the grouchy monster tired person that I was, just wanted to shout “Go away, we’re trying to make a baby”, luckily I didn’t, otherwise I might have been writing a completely different post entitled “Desperately trying to explain something innocent to the local police”.

Luckily tonight I can do this from the comfort of our home, but more exotic places lie ahead - the theatre, ballroom dancing classes and a Keith Urban concert. The irony of doing it at the concert is not lost on me as I think he may have been in similar situations himself (allegedly of course!).

Anyway, all of this got me wondering about the weird and wonderful places you have had to take your bag of tricks.

So girls.... where’s the strangest place you’ve had to shoot up?


Sarah said...

oh that's funny, the lengths we go to! i guess i am really lame, i was home every night of this last stim cycle. boring!

ultimatejourney said...

Sadly, my ticket for the IVF/ICSI train was revoked, so I'll have to live vicariously through the rest of you. (Unless, of course, my RE wants me to do injectibles with the dIUI, which could happen, I suppose.) But you have a great ability to portray the comedy of your circumstances. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face, and good luck with the injections.

Mama Bear said...

So funny--I've totally given myself the shot in the car as well. We actually had to sneak it in in my in-law's driveway before a family dinner. Goood times!

Anonymous said...

I have gotten really good at giving myself shots in the car. I haven't had to shoot up anywhere more exciting than that!

Changing Expectations said...

This is funny. The weirdest place was actually at work - I hid in the bathroom and was very discreet, thought that I was in the clear until the needle flew out of my purse in my bosses office. Classic.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I needed a PIO right before we left for Europe last year, and there was no place for my hubby to do it. So, my boss did it with me laying across my desk in my office. Yes my boss saw my butt. Talk about getting to know you.

JJ said...

Haha, that was a good chuckle--I havent had to shoot up yet, but I am sure Ill have one to add once we get to that point!

JW said...

My strangest was in the car outside the hospital, with me lying flat on the passenger seat and hubby sticking it, as a lovely ladt walked past and glared in at us on her way to work.

Glad everythings going well, hope you're getting excited!! Not long now!! Yahoo...

es said...

Boring me, all of mine has so far been at home...

But in this book I'm reading (A Few Good Eggs: Two Chicks Dish on Overcoming the Insanity of Infertility), they tell a story of someone who's husband was giving her a shot in the car... and the police knocked on the window. Apparantly it took a lot of explaining as to how they were not shooting up drugs.