Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So last night my other half tried to kill me....

I just had to give in...the pain was too much.....I was beaten.....the headaches had won.

My ever attentive other half could see I was in pain, so whilst I was in the bath, he said he would go and get me some paracetamol to take. We have been told by Lovely Nurse Jane that paracetamol was fine whilst I was cycling.

So he trots back with the pills and water and I gulp them down......ahh feels better already as I slipped back deeper in the water. Eventually I dragged my water-wrinkled body out of the bath, got dressed and went downstairs.

Cue dramatic music.......the empty packet on the side was not the paracetamol I had left out. In his wisdom (and normally he has it in abundance) he ignored the packet marked PARACETAMOL that had been on display in the kitchen for over 2 weeks (!*!) and instead he rummages through our medical box, at the back of the cupboard, for some other concoction of drugs.

So I'm stumbling around in the hallway, clutching my throat, shouting up to him "You've given me the wrong ruddy tablets!!!!"

At that point our new neighbours rang the doorbell and we quickly put on our best smiles and introduced ourselves. God knows what they thought as I was in my pajamas, probably with wild eyes at that point thinking...stomach pump, stomach pump, I need a stomach pump. I might be wrong but I have a funny feeling that we might not see much of them from now on.

I was delighted when I woke up this morning, for more reasons than one, and gave Lovely Nurse Jane a call. She wasn't available so I left a message for her to call me back. She did quite quickly and said 'I got a strange message that your other half has tried to poison you'....."not quite" I said "but let me tell you the story Jane".

Well, the upshot is I will live, but the learning is priceless girls.....make sure you see the packets before you pop any pills!

But the good news is...the headache has gone...whaheyy!!


ultimatejourney said...

LOL! Why is it that men are completely incapable of reading labels? Any time I ask my husband to pick something up at the store he comes home with something slightly different than what I asked for. He never seems to notice that there were two different things with similar packaging that were (clearly, IMHO) labeled differently. Aargh! Well, I'm glad you're feeling better and the results weren't disastrous.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Geez. That sounds like something Steve would do. I am glad that you're okay.

Mama Bear said...

My hubby has totally done that to me--when I got my wisdom teeth out, he accidentally gave me xanax instead of the tylenol with codeine. So, I was in pain, but totally chill about it. :-)

Sarah said...

boys have very small brains sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea what he gave you? At least it took away the headache!

JW said...

Oh my goodness, what did he give you?? I for one am very glad you woke up today he he. Those headaches are a bugger, thats for sure. I had the constant burny sinusy headache only on the left side at the back for a month. Beautiful. Hope you feel better!

Changing Expectations said...

My husband has done this to me as well, maybe it is a guy thing. Kind of like the "Where did you say it was, I can't find it" and then you go over and it is literally right in front of his face! Always a classic.

Glad to hear that your headache is gone. Hang in there.

Becks said...

My Reality/Bumble,
It turned out he gave me Paracetamol Plus so they were the kick a*s type of tablets where they have much more than paracetamol in them. Good news was nothing in them was much to worry about - but a good lesson learned that the best man for the job is a woman!!

Baby Blues said...

I always double check meds I pop in my mouth. I'm allergic to NSAIDS (that's Paracetamol, Aspirin, and similar pain relievers.) I know, for someone who prescribes it daily, I can't even take it! Glad you're feeling better.

Unknown said...

Good grief! What did he give you? Never mind, I just scrolled down in the comments...

So glad you woke up this morning!