Monday, August 27, 2007


The good thing about this weekend is it is a long one in the UK. Today is a Bank Holiday so we are all off work. I don't think I could have timed this cycle better, but as I had no control over it whatsoever, I won't take any credit.

I was thinking about Sausage and Mash and the fact that they are now at day 5. So if my limited embryo knowledge is correct, they could be making it to blastocyst stage today. I guess that means they need to grab a hold of some of my insides pretty soon if they want to take the 9 month ride? Does anyone know more about when implantation should happen?

I've spent the last 2 days mainly on my ar*e on the sofa, my Other Half has really looked after me. It's another day of the same today and then (hopefully) a quiet, short, week at work. I work from home so at least I can take it easy when I want to.

I am trying to be positive about Sausage and Mash.....I am hoping they are snuggling down for the long haul as I type.


Sunny Jenny said...

If my memory serves me correctly day 5 is when the embryo would reach the uterus and begin hatching. So, yes it is looking for a place to dig in. Every thing I learned, I learned from others in blogland! Implantation can occur between 6 - 12 dpo. Good luch being lazy! Eat it up!

Rachel said...

Implantation usually happens around day 8 or 9.

Baby Blues said...

Come on little ones... find your spot, snuggle and get cozy!

singletracey said...

Oh I do hope that those two get cozy in there and stick around for the long haul! Prayer sent for you daily my friend!

Gemini Girl said...

Ok, let's see what I remember. I had brenda and brandon put in on day 5 (not real names, just what I call them to freak pple out). I had implantation bleeding 6 days after transfer. Hope that helps with something.

I am praying for your little ones to make it through the weeks. Sending you love!

Carrie said...

A bit of time on the sofa being looked after can only be a good thing for you and Sausage and Mash x

Jen said...

I hope they are snuggling right in!

Mandy said...

Wonderful Becks! I hope the wait is speedy, and that a happy surprise awaits!

Jo said...

5 to 7 days is about right after IVF..
Hoping and praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I hope they settle in the next few days!

ultimatejourney said...

I hope they're making themselves comfy! It sounds like you're doing everything you can to provide a hospitable environment.

Tam said...

I also think it ranges from day 6 to around day 9 but of-course it can vary, a lot of embies implant later and result in live births so it's really hard to say. Hang in there, I am praying that little sausage and mash are still growing and getting ready to snuggle in soon!! Thinking of you xxx

Portia P said...

Hi Becks!!
What a lot of action i've missed whilst i've been in Spain!!

I'm so pleased you've got two back on board - well done you!!

My fingers are crossed for you my dear

Let me know when you're likely to be in "the Smoke" and we can meet up xx

Topcat said...

I hope and pray that Sausage and Mash are snuggling in for the long haul.xoxoxoxo