Sunday, August 26, 2007

And now we wait......

Transfer day yesterday. Despite the first session of acupuncture, I went to the hospital with my stomach in knots. It's a horrible situation, you really don't know what you are facing, would I still have 3 embryos? could I have lost them all because they wanted to wait till day 3? The scenarios were endless and agonising.

Well, 1 of them didn't carry on dividing but the other 2 were fine. We had a Grade 2 (4 cell) and a Grade 2/3 (6 cell) - the Grade 2/3 had obviously put a spurt on as it was a 2 cell the day before. I asked the embryologist about the Grade 2 as I thought it should have been a 6 cell by day 3, but she said they were both in the 'normal' range and was happy with them. Apparently, they can divide too quickly as well....I should have expected that there was never an easy answer to all of this.

Mr A was there in his jeans and t-shirt..he just makes you smile when you see him, he's such a nice man. He didn't do my transfer last time as he was away and I just made it this time as he's flying out to Sweden on holiday today. Anyway, he said transfer went really well, in fact he said it was so easy "I could come again"......please forgive me if I decline your kind offer!

I've named the 2 passengers on board.....sausage and mash. Nothing more creative than nurse Gill called one of my large follicles a "sausage", and I do love sausage and mash!

We've done all we can now, we can only just sit and hope.


Carrie said...

I'm sitting and hoping with you.
Sausage and Mash are great names, very comforting! I hope they are getting cosy. Take care x

Leah said...

Yeah for Sausage and Mash! Stick, grow, stick, grow! I'll have all my fingers and toes crossed for you that the 2ww goes by quickly and you get delightful news at the end of it.

RaJen said...

my hopes and prayers are with you. I, too, am in my two week wait. - shhhhh! :) - Although not midway thru, it seems endless and agonising!

ultimatejourney said...

Great names! I hope they're getting comfortable.

I'll be here by your side waiting.

Rachel said...

The best of luck. I hope they're sticky.

Chanti said...

Hoping and praying that Sausage and Mash stick around for the long hall. Full 40 weeks so they can get the gravy in the form of Mommy and Daddy love at the end. I so hope you will have a BFP

Anonymous said...

Wishing you much luck with Sausage and Mash!

Erin said...

Is it weird that you're making me hungry?

I hope your 2ww isn't too awful, and at the end gives you great news - I'll be sure to check in!


Kate said...

My fingers are so crossed they hurt!

Cajun Cutie said...

Sending Hope in your direction. Hope you get wonderful news at the end of your 2ww.

Sunny Jenny said...

Sausage and Mash sound much nicer than Banger and Mash! I'll be your 2ww buddy! :)

JJ said...

Mmm sausage and mash! They are two yummy little embies=) You know I am thinking of you this whole 2ww...lots of hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Becks, those are such cute names you chose! Wishing you a wonderful outcome; Rest up now :)

Yetty said...

good luck & good news soon! :)