Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 12

Got back from my Day 12 scan, amazingly all is fine. My follicle sizes are:

R - 13 x 9
R - 26 x 11 (the sausage as nurse Gill called it!)
R - 19 x 18
R - 11 x 7
L - 20 x 13
L - 16 x 16
L - 21 x 14
L - 23 x 10
L - 11 x 11
L - 15 x 18
L - 8

Lining is 7 (so 14mm).

I was scheduled to trigger tonight but Gill wants me to go one more day to see if they grow a bit more. So back tomorrow afternoon for another scan.

Please please can I have 2 healthy embryos to put back........


Von said...

That's excellent. Well done.
Fingers crossed for the rest of the way.

Carrie said...

That all looks great. I hope you'll do just fine. Take care.

ultimatejourney said...

Looking good! I hope the follies grow by tomorrow and you get to trigger tomorrow night.

Yetty said...

looking good girl! fingers crossed and praying for you.

Schatzi said...

Follies look great-- congrats! Here's hoping for trigger tomorrow.

Mama Bear said...

Those follies look great! Fingers crossed for tomorrow's trigger, the ER, and that you have at least two beautiful looking embryos for transfer.

JJ said...

Lookin REAL good!

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Awesome news! Fingers crossed for you!

Kate said...

Good luck!!

singletracey said...

YEAH.. all looks good! I will be thinking about you over the next few days and sending prayers your way!

Jen said...

That looks great! Here's to two fabulous embies!

Twisted Ovaries said...

Your numbers look reall good, and I'm hopeful for you, babe.