Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The ribbon has been cut and my body is officially open for IVF business

This morning I woke up at about 4 a.m. and so hoped my mind wouldn't start running at 100 m.p.h which would stop me sleeping again. I did get a few more hours so thankfully didn't feel too shattered when I got up.

I had to go into the office straight after the hospital appointment so I put my work suit on with a pink blouse (somehow thinking that pink may bring pink lines later on in the journey). I also carefully selected my perfume and decided to wear 'Woman'. I am not normally superstitious but it just felt right to try to do every little thing I could.

We arrived at the hospital and one of the first things I noticed were the photos on the walls of what were obviously success babies - it made my heart melt. I noticed there was a lot of twins and triplets and had a quick glance at 'my other half' to check he hadn't gone pale or worse still passed out!

We were seen by a lovely lady called Jane. She talked us through all the Buserelin injections then it was time for me to inject myself. Now needles don't bother me, but there's something strange about injecting yourself. So with as steady hand a I could I injected it into my tummy.....it was quite easy. I itched like mad after but we were told that's normal.

She also told me to do everything in moderation, just like you all said, and also to take 75mg of aspirin each day as well as the folic acid. She said that research had shown that aspirin can help the embryos 'take' and it has proven to be useful for women that have had repeated miscarriages.

We go back on the 24th April for the first scan to see how things are doing and then if all goes to plan I will be having my egg collection around the 14th May. Its scary now that all of the dates are real.

So it was painless really, I went into work and tried to concentrate hard in the all day meeting I was in. My boss took me out of the meeting room as soon as I arrived to ask how I had got on. Its so nice that she is so supportive of what we're doing, it certainly helps that I know I can cancel anything in my diary, with her blessing, if I need to.

I came home with my big bag of goodies, excited that things have started and now counting the days till the first scan.


ultimatejourney said...

Hooray for getting started! I'm glad everything went smoothly and the injections were no big deal.

It's great that your boss is so supportive. I'm sure that will help you keep your stress level down, which helps your chances of success.

Caro said...

Good luck and thanks for the aspirin tip. I'll do some reading on that.

JJ said...

I am so excited for you! Came over to you from Baby Blues--we are getting ready to meet with our RE about starting our IVF/ICSI journey-I will come back to see how you are doing!