Friday, May 11, 2007

Agony or pleasure?

Today was follow up appointment day to see how things were doing with the follicle growth. We were kept waiting at the hospital for 40 minutes by which time I was nearly climbing the walls, trying not to get stressed....nope didn't work.

Just before I started rocking backwards and forwards on my chair, humming to myself, the nurse (Whirlwind Gill) called my name. Off she sprinted to the exam room - this time I was determined not to be rushed in and out so we followed her at our pace....nice and relaxed (yeah right!).

She asked me how I had been, "Better" was all I could splutter out without crying. So off I stripped and then someone else came in the room, it was my favourite nurse 'Lovely Nurse Jane'. She asked Gill if she wanted her to write my notes up for her, I guess because they were so far behind.

So Gill says her usual 'Ok, a bit cold and some jelly' and off we went. Here's what the conversation went like:

Gill: the endemetrium looks good
Me (thinking): What the heck is that??*!
Gill: Ok Jane, I'll read them out
Jane: OK
Gill: looks like they have grown
Me (thinking): What the heck?!**!
Gill: 10 by 8, 14 by 10, 7 by 5, 10 by 8, 7 by 7
Me (thinking): sounds like measurements for wood in a DIY store
Jane: Good, we'll press on then
Me (looking like a goldfish, open mouthed): pardon?!*
Gill: Yes, I'll give you more Menopur to get your through to Monday, come back then and we'll see how things are going on, but looks as though we'll get to egg collection.
Me: errr, thanks very much.

Ok, don't laugh, I know my 5 follicles are ridiculously small, but hope is back, ready to fight another day. Lets hope my 5 little fighters are determined to see this thing through.

Stressed? check, but not as much as before. Shocked? double check. Surprised.....yep that's me.

Let's see what Monday brings....

P.S. Thanks for all the Barry love, now I know there's so many closet fans, I can admit to being in his fan club, seeing him in concert about 20 times and even going across the pond to see him in Vegas...ok enough now, I think I am getting giddy.


Carrie said...

This is fantastic news Becks. Really glad you can go ahead.
Here's hoping that the rest of this treatment continues with nice surprises.

singletracey said...

GREAT NEWS!!! Just what I was wanting to hear! So glad we (well you, your eggies and hubby) are able to press on!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo Becks! Fab! So glad those little suckers have been growing. Here's hoping for more good news on Monday.

Oh, btw... you can add me to the list of closet Barry fans:)

Sunny Jenny said...

great news on your follicles! I hope you make it through the weekend with some swollen clinking ovaries!

es said...

Keep the hope alive! Good luck!

ultimatejourney said...

Oh, Becks, I'm so happy for you! I hope the weather is sunny again on Monday :)

stickybun07 said...

wahoo!! Grow, l'il follies! I hope they make great progress between now and Monday!

(and, I can't BELIEVE how long they made you wait. I don't think they realize how much that makes us stress! I mean, if they did, they'd at least keep us posted on how long the wait would be. I give you credit for not losing it.) :-)

Kate said...

Ok, I watched Barry's Vegas show on TV once - wild stuff!

Congrats on your Follicles!

Von said...

Great news about your embies. They are all pretty close together in size too, which is good. You should see a decent jump in size come Monday.
What size do they want to retrieve at, 18?

Thinking of you.

Becks said...

Von, to be honest I was so shocked I didn't ask any questions, I just stuttered and walked out! - but I will ask on Monday.

Sarah said...

wonderful! congrats and best wishes for continued growth!

Unknown said...

Hey awesome! Go follicles go!

Anonymous said...

Great news, Becks!! Those follies can do it, I hope they continue to surprise you!