When I was very little (I think about about 4 or 5) I used to listen to the music my Dad played and for some unknown, strange reason I developed an obsession for Barry Manilow....I know, I know, its very weird and I just cant explain it, I just fell in the love with the 'big nosed one'. Even as an adult, I'm the same, but instead I celebrate it now rather than fighting it! Now I had no intentions of sharing this secret with you, for fear of losing readers, but something happened yesterday that made me think.
My Other Half and I went in separate cars to the hospital, as he had to go straight to his office in London after the appointment. We set off in plenty of time as I learnt from the last visit that it's no good for your stress levels to be late. The weather was fine when we left home but after a little while it started raining lightly on the windscreen. As we continued into the city, the rain became progressively heavier and heavier and by the time we approached the hospital, it was absolutely pelting down. It was that heavy I thought to myself 'I hope this is not sign of bad things to come'. It turned out it was.
I didn't think too much more about it until I spoke to my Mum and Dad last night. They had just arrived back from a week in Wales. Dad mentioned that after they had heard my news from the hospital, they were obviously upset for me and really did not feel much like driving the 3hr journey home. They got in the car and put on the radio......and the first note of Barry's song 'I Made It Through The Rain' came on. Dad turned to Mum and said 'I hope this song is an omen'.
So I think I will have this as my theme tune - here's a few of the lyrics. And for those of you currently getting rained on too, lets hope the shelter of the umbrella gets us through till the rain stops.
We dreamers have our ways
Of facing rainy days
And somehow we survive
We keep the feelings warm
Protect them from the storm
Until our time arrives
Then one day the sun appears
And we come shining through those lonely years
I made it through the rain
I kept my world protected
I made it through the rain
I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain
And found myself respected
By the others who
Got rained on too
And made it through
When friends are hard to find
And life seems so unkind
Sometimes you feel so afraid
Just aim beyond the clouds
And rise above the crowds
And start your own parade'
Cause when I chased my fears away
That's when I knew that I could finally say
I made it through the rain.......
I enjoyed singing to Barry Manilow tunes when I was a child. "Can't Smile Without You" is just the catchiest tune! He's a classic.
I do hope we all make it through the rain! Sharing my umbrella with you.
Hey sweetie, I'm sorry that the last few days have been less than pleasant, here's hoping you make it through the rain. Sending "growing" vibes all the way from SA for your follies!! Let's hope friday brings good news :)
Thanks for the inspiration and the shelter. I'm here if you need a hand to hold as you battle the rain. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow.
Morning Becks! Barry is a secret addiction of many :-)
I have been thinking of you and thinking "grow follie" thoughts!
Here is to making it through the rain..
umm, i won't say anything about barry since you've had a rough enough couple of days, but i just hope the rain ends for you soon.
I'll be sending good thoughts your way for sunnier times ahead.
p.s. Don't apologize for your love of Barry! :)
I also hope that we all make it through the rain. Good luck tomorrow!
'Even Now' was the first record I even bought when I was a little kid. I was totally in love with Barry, too.
Good luck with everything. I'm not really sure what what would be best outcome for you right now, but I just hope that you find good luck and a way for a cycle to work soon.
What a sweet post--thats beautiful Becks! I will hold the umbrella for you...and I am so sorry you have had tears mixed in with the rain. We are all here for you!
Thanks for this post and sharing your story!! Your parents sound very loving and supportive. I loved the lyrics to that song. I hope we all make it through the rain together and the sun comes out for all of us soon.. :) Big hugs to you.
I love Barry Manilow too. I saw him live when I was 17. In real life I wouldn't necessarily admit to that but I'm overly honest in Blogland!
I'm sorry this cycle has been so difficult. I like your thinking, delayed not cancelled. I'm delayed too ( though not as harshly as this) but it's so frustrating.
Still hoping for a good outcome on Friday.
Copacabana was my FAVORITE song as a kid - Love that beat!!! I catch myself singing it from time to time. So, I'm a closet Manilow fan myself.
I became a closet fan when I was in a meeting at work a few years ago - people started making Manilow jokes. I actually said, "what do you mean? He's great?" to which I received the most vile stares and people actually started pointing at me and giggling. I quickly concealed my Barry-fan facade and forgot that he was ever the biggest thing on radio. :( A sad day, to be sure!
As to the rain - I'm feeling pretty rained on too today. So, scootch over a bit and let me have a corner of your umbrella!! Love the song lyrics - gonna adopt them for my current mood. :\
Hang in there with us till the rain ends!
Becks. I found your blog through SingleTracey's blog. My name is Rachel and my blog is at rajencreation.wordpress.com
I, too, am doing IVF. I've just begun BCPs and go in for a supression check next Thursday. I am certainly interested in your journey and will follow it.
Best wishes to you!
Oh my goodness Becks, I haven't popped in for a day or two and now I see all this. I'm so sorry things are up in the air for you and that your cycle may be delayed. :-( Its a roller coaster isn't it??! I'm hoping so hard that the little follies snap out of it and grow grow grow. Good Luck for today! x
You will make it through the rain. You will.
Doesn't that just hit the nail on the head.
Sometimes it's all just about getting through the next hour.
Thanks for that.
Just thinking of you and hoping your appt goes well today!
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