Wednesday, May 30, 2007

April/May 2007 Report Card

'Must do better' was the summary of my IVF #1 performance.

I have a hospital appointment in the morning to do my pregnancy test but in order to be prepared I did my own test this morning. It seems the little fighter ran out of steam and couldn't make it to the end. Not surprising really considering the battle he had to get to be an embryo in the first place.

I'm really fine about it. It was what I was expecting and a part of me is glad I know one way or another. It means I can get my life back and get on with stage 2.

I always thought this first try was a trial and I am sure Mr A (my consultant) will be better informed now he knows much more about our situation/response, so hopefully next time will be a real go.

I've been thinking about people who have had months and years of trying to conceive and when they get to IVF it must be a massive blow if it fails first time. I'm slightly different. I never met anyone I wanted to have children with, so never tried to have a baby before, and when my Other Half and I decided to have children we already knew it was IVF or nothing for us. So I just see this as hiccup number 1 rather than last chance number 1.

Mr A's secretary has been a star - despite breaking her arm last week, this morning she booked me a follow up appointment with him to discuss next steps. So it's off to the hospital in the morning to get the official pregnancy test done and then in the afternoon I go to see Mr A, with my long list of questions.

What do they say the definition of insanity is? Oh yes, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Guess that means I am insane after all!!


ultimatejourney said...

I'm sorry. I can understand why you're not completely devastated, but it still stinks and I'm still disappointed for you.

I don't think you're insane because I think they'll do things differently with your next cycle and once they figure out how to tweak things properly you WILL get a different result. Hugs.

Erin said...

Can I join your insane club? My first IVF just failed as well, although I'm not handling it nearly as well as you seem to be.

I'm sorry you had to have this hiccup, even if it is just your first. They all suck.

Good luck with stage 2!

Yetty said...

we all insane girl so welcome to the most fabulous loony bin in the www. Nice to hear you enjoyed your break.

JJ said...

Oh Becks, Im sorry...but let me tell you what--your attitude is something I hope I can emulate when it comes time for our turn. You are amazing...

I know you are "fine" with the result, but I am still sorry it is what it is. You are in my thoughts...HUGS from across the ocean!

Sunny Jenny said...

What a great attitude. It does help to think ahead instead of lingering on past regrets. I really hope you get a better response and result with #2.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I am sorry Becks. I too understand why you aren't devastated, but it sucks anyway, and I am disappointed for you.

Hopefully they will be able to find some solutions for your next cycle. Thinking of you. xx

Leah said...

Well, this sucks. I was really pulling for you and I'm so sorry. I'll pack up some hugs and happy thoughts and whatnot and will send them right off in an envelope.

P.S. - Thank you so much for the email (and the advice, you can see I took it). I'll respond later today.

Jen said...

You have an amazing approach to IVF #1. I really hope when we actually get to the stage of trying through IVF, I can be as positive as you.

Or as insane!

Many hugs!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm yep, Proudly insane myself! I mean, come on. Sanity would be SO BORING. Well, kudos for the attitude. I'm bummed for you, though. Hoping Mr. A satisfactorily answers all of your questions, and that he has a good plan for moving forward.

Mama Bear said...

I think we all fall into that "insane" definition. But, thankfully for so many the insanity pays off...that's what we're all banking on. :-)

I'm sorry this cycle didn't work out, but I really admire your attitude. I just heard from someone yesterday that most docs look at the first cycle as a "learning" cycle. So, I'm trying to gear myself up for just that just in case. (which you've done so admirably!)

Laura, the (reluctant) baroness said...

You are my good attitude role model. I am truly impressed. I am so sorry it didn't work this month, but I'm sure next cycle will be smoother sailing.

es said...

Becks, I am so sorry, I was really hoping your embryo would fight its way to the finish line!

Kate said...

I am sorry. I hope the clinic learns a lot from this so that next time will be it! :)

One View said...

Sorry I just posted our your last post first before reading this one. I'm so sorry about this cycle. I always prepared myself for the worst but it was still always hard to get a BFN. You have a great attitude and I hope your next cycle will have a much much better reponse and outcome.. :) Good luck to you.

Changing Expectations said...

Becks, I am so sorry to hear your news, but glad that you are okay. I always knew that TM and I would have to do IVF because of his cancer so I understand what you are saying. Hang in there. I am thinking about you.

Rachel said...

Geez, aren't we all insane? I'm really sorry about the negative. Even when we expect it, it still hurts. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the negative result Becks. You have such a great attitude about it though- I really hope the second time is the charm for you.

Anonymous said...

I had hoped you would have different news. I am sorry.

JW said...

Shit. I'm so sorry Becks. You have such a wonderful attitude though and you're right, this is just one small hiccup. You'll get there in the end. Onwards and Upwards hey. xxx

Caro said...

Another insane one here.

I hope the next step goes well.

Tam said...

Sorry sweetie, I know you gonna be okay but I'm still sorry that it didn't work. You are right tho and it is the best way to look at it, the first one being a trial run, that is. The doctors learn so much more about your body with the first IVF so now they can make adjustments, next time will be better. Hugs xxx I think i'm insane too, looks like there'a a whole group of us :)