Now, I know you are not all professionally qualified (well at least not on paper anyway) but I was just wondering if you might be able to have a guess. Oh and lets presume each follicle produces an egg to make it simpler. I think I am mainly trying to figure if the smaller follicles have enough time to grow before retrieval. I am guessing not, but I wanted a second opinion.
Anyway, its Friday and its also my Other Half's birthday today. So I am taking him out for dinner to a new restaurant in the village where we live. Thankfully, we can enjoy it knowing we are (as far as we know) on track.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone and I'll update you on Sunday with the results of the Day 12 scan.
It's so hard to tell, it's an art, not a science. Sometimes there are more follicles than they can see, or ones that look smaller are actually bigger because the biggest ones sort of "squish" the smaller ones.
I can tell you that for each of my retrievals we got mature eggs out of follicles that were supposedly "too small." I always have a couple that are measuring on track (18mm or above), but then there are the 3 or 4 who are between 14mm and 17mm which aren't supposed to mature, but always seem to do.
With the first retrieval, I triggered with a "boost." Meaning that in addition to the trigger shot, I did about a half dose of my usual stim meds. With the second retrieval, I didn't do the boost and still got mature eggs out of follies measuring around 14mm on trigger day.
That's the sum total of my personal knowledge on the subject. I produce very few eggs (hence the blog name of Dusty Ovaries), but they seem to mature just fine. Of course they don't actually result in a lasting pregnancy for me, so I'm not exactly bursting with pride over them or anything. :-)
Good luck with your scan on Sunday! I'll have my fingers crossed!!
Happy Birthday to your other half. :-) I hope you guys have a great weekend celebrating!
As far as the follies go, I'm definitely not good at guessing. But, if you remember, I only had about 6 that looked like they were big enough to get an egg the morning I triggered (the others were around 10mm that day--they were starting to catch up, but were late to the game). In the end, I ended up with 10 eggs, though, and was completely shocked. So, I think there's still hope for the smaller ones--So, here's hoping that they start to catch up over the next few days!
Hmmm, Im not the best guesser--but I will tell you they told me to expect 9, and I got 15...I hope your clinic is being conservative--that way it will be a great surprise when you come out of procedure!
Happy B-day to the other half!!!
You would be surprised how many grow and mature once you get the stimulation medicine. I only had about 12 before the med and after the trigger shot had 20 removed. So needless to say, dont kill yourself over this- you maybe completley wrong!
Ok.. my totally unprofessional guesstimate..
6 or 7 mature good happy follies... the others will be extracted but not mature...
7 is a GREAT number BTW... :-)
Becks - we've been on the same wavelength, you and me. And our significant other's have the same birthday, to boot! I guess you saw my 'formula' i devised whilst icould not sleep. But whatever number they retrieve, may one be the miracle you need. Peace to you. RaJen
I would say you will get the 6/7 good ones you have now. Not sure the others will catch up in time.
Still, no-one really knows.
I guess 7 mature and a few more not so mature.
Happy Birthday to your Other Half!
Happy birthday to your other half.. :) :) Sounds like this cycle is going much better and you are going to have plenty of good eggs. Its true, its hard to say how many you will get and the smaller follicles always have a great chance of catching up. But I think it will be a good number. Good luck to you and hope you continue to grow lots and lots of good eggs. Thinking of you.. :) :)
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