Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Not good....

Went for my day 8 of stims scan this morning. Not good news. I only have 5 tiny follicles (don't know the size) and some smaller ones which can't be measured.

I have to go back to the hospital on Friday - if the follicles haven't grown enough the cycle will be cancelled.


ultimatejourney said...

I'm really sorry to hear this news. Are they increasing your dosage to help things turn around by Friday? I'll be thinking of you.

Becks said...

The nurse said that it's not always worth increasing the dosage, so she told me not to. I have sent a message to my consultant to check he agrees with her.

Mama Bear said...

Shoot! I'm so sorry to hear that, Becks. I hope that the follies make some serious progress between now and the end of the week. Thinking of you!

singletracey said...

Oh Becks... I am so sorry about that. I feel just terrible.. Here is a big hug for you my friend....

Unknown said...

A ton of things can happen w/in three days- I'm hoping on Friday those follicles perk up for the weekend :) I hope you are doing okay.

Rachel said...

Little is more frustrating than this. I hope they grow, grow, grow.

LIW (Lady In Waiting) said...

I am SO sorry to hear that. My fingers are crossed that those follies get a clue and grow ASAP.

You'll be in my thoughts.

es said...

Oh no I'm so sorry! I hope your follicles have a growth spurt in the next few days!

Sunny Jenny said...

Hang in there! :)

Pamela T. said...

Was just dropping by to learn a few things before sending off a postcard (per the Braces Bunch). Here's hoping your follicles surprise you on the up side. Best wishes, PJ

One View said...

Just wanted to give you a big hug and let you know I'm thinking of you. That must be so frustrating and disappointing.. :( I'm so sorry...! None of this is easy. I hope you get some better news at the end of the week. Hang in there.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I am so sorry. I hope that your follies start to take off. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

It isn't over yet. I am crossing my fingers that your follies grow.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping you just have a batch of slow starters... I will be interested to hear what your consultant thinks.

Everything crossed for you!

Carrie said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news. I really hope the next few days show a huge inprovement.
It's hard enough dealing with all of this without extra stress thrown in. The frustration is so difficult to cope with.
Hope you're bearing up.

Tam said...

Sorry to hear that sweetie, I'm praying that there some good news at your next scan. Hugs xxx

Yetty said...

Don't give up. There's still a lot of good things that can happen. I stimmed for over 20days and had a week of no growth in between so believe me, sometimes follicles just have like a slow growth stage. Hoping the next scan brings good news. In my thoughts

JJ said...

Ugg, I am SORRY I am late getting over to your blog to see the happenings..I am going to read through--it looks like there is hope to be found through it all!=)