Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Up and down

Thanks for all your comments today and yesterday - they really make me feel like people do care. I've had lots of support from family and friends too so that has helped.

I've been all over the place emotionally in the last 24 hrs. I have gone from oceans of tears to feeling ok to feeling empty all the space of a minute. It's such a strange place to be.

I said to my sister last night that I've got the the feeling you get when someone dies or when you split up with someone. Like all your focus has gone. I just can't face months of waiting for the next cycle, it will be so hard.

My other half suggested I call my consultant (Mr A) this morning as I hadn't heard anything from him. I got through to his secretary, who I have never spoken to before. I told her what I needed to know in terms of should I increase my dosage, then she started 'talking' to me. Like really talking about how I was feeling and how she understood because she had been through IVF before, and how she would do all she could to sort things out for me.

She was SO nice...well that set me off in floods of tears again and she just listened and asked questions for ages. She was not in any rush to get off the phone. She gave me her mobile number and her email and said I could call her anytime if I wanted to talk. She said if the worst came to the worst and we had to cancel treatment she would make room in his diary next week so we could talk things through with him. Seriously, I was astounded by all this. She has also emailed and text me today to see how I was, I feel lucky she is on my side.

So now I am waiting for her call to let me know if Mr A wants to increase my dose for a couple of days. Here's hoping.....


singletracey said...

I was thinking about you last night and I started thinking that there is still time for those follies to get bigger. Friday is 3 days away.. alot can happen in 3 days! xx

Mama Bear said...

Wow--the secretary sounds awesome. I think it's so wonderful when I hear stories about IF clinics that actually hire people who've been through this. You just can't teach empathy and it is so welcome when it's genuine.

I'm so thinking of and hoping for you. I hope they up the dosage and you get some good news on Friday.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I hope that your consultant comes through for and that your follies grow substantially by your next u/s. Hang in there sweetie. I am thinking of you.

ultimatejourney said...

It sounds like you have someone really great pushing things along for you. I'm so glad. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that things look good on Friday so we can climb out of the hole.

JJ said...

Oh its SO nice when there are people who care and take the time to talk to us--that sounds like just what you needed!