Had my second acu appointment yesterday. I felt so silly with a needle between my eyes. Anyway, she was attempting to stimulate my follicles, using needles and something called a Moxa stick, which is used to stimulate acupuncture points. It's like a black cigar which you light and then it turns into a glow. I have brought some home, so I will have a go at waving that around my bits tonight. Knowing me I'll set my pants on fire!
Oh, and I can't believe it's been over 3 months since I had a cup of coffee. It's been ok really, the hardest part was at the beginning, but I find I don't even think about it now....but don't you worry, if I ever have a baby or just decide to give up trying, I'll be straight down to Starbucks for the biggest latte they make!!
It's the start of the football season in the UK tomorrow, I am so excited. So I intend to take it easy and watch hours of games - we can't wait.
Have a good weekend everyone....
Wow! That is impressive! Good luck. :)
That is A lotta drugs! Wowie!
Have a good weekend--and enjoy the football!
I am loving the image of you waving burning sticks around your bits.
I actually broke down and had a cup of coffee today, to try to fix my headache. (The Lupron made me do it!)
Wow, that's a lot of drugs! Between that and the Moxa stick, I think you've got all the angles covered.
I don't have a problem with the number of vials and syringes it takes for a days injections - it is the cost of the stuff I am shooting into my belly!
Wow that is a lot of drugs. Sorry for all those needles. Thinking of you..!
Wow--that is an impressive pile of meds. I'm hoping that they're exactly what you need!
And, I so hear you on the coffee thing! I was just thinking how HARD it was at first, and now I barely think about it. (But, as you say, as soon as I'm able, I'm going to be the first in line for my latte!)
Its so crazy all the drugs!!
That's a big pile of meds. You can do it! Good luck 8)
Looks a lot like my med stash during cycle time. It's the faffing around with the Men.opur that is the biggest pain. It takes forever to mix it up.
I'm impressed that you've gone without coffee that long. I go back to alcohol and coffee for short bursts in between cycles. I admire your will power.
That said, i can pretty much do without coffee now. I stare daggers at women with babies brazenly touting their Starbucks cups though!
Lots of luck xx
And people think that IV drug users are crazy! :-)
Seriously, each and every woman who is willing to endure all of those shots and the rollercoaster ride of hope and despair deserves a medal. There should be a special holiday in fact - one that provides free spa services to them!!! I expect to make it into that club - possibly soon - so I do have a bit of a selfish interest.
Seriously, you are a very courageous woman. Make sure that you nurture yourself through this process.
Not drinking coffee has been really hard for me. So hard, in fact, that I've been drinking decaf just to fool myself. I've finally gotten use to the taste. Good luck with all of the shots.
Ouch! Lots of drugs! Today is day 4 of stims for me. I am feeling the large grotesque ovary discomfort. How about you?
you're off and running now, good luck!
That's a whole lotta drugs!
Try not to light yourself on fire this evening, haha.
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