Monday, October 22, 2007

Winners and losers

Had a good weekend all in all. We went out with some close friends to the dog races on Saturday night, us girls did feel sorry for the poor things, but we had a good time picking the one's with the cute names and our favourite colours. I got the knack of it and backed 4 winners, but alas still came home with lighter pockets than when I went out.

I also went out running twice, which I really enjoyed...its a shame that I have to give up soon, as I can slowly see myself improving.

We did some shopping yesterday, the plan was to get my other half some new shoes for the wedding, which we achieved with relative ease. We made use of the extra free time and bought a couple of Christmas presents.

I decided to go into one of the large out of town mother and baby stores to get my godson a present. Places like this don't normally bother me, I just try to get in and out with minimal fuss. It seemed it slipped the store managers mind to clear the place of people for me, in fact I think they made sure it was absolutely heaving. I couldn't concentrate on what I was looking for....the noise from children and babies was very distracting. By the time I had chosen him a very cool gift, I was relieved to be getting in the queue to pay....except they like to prolong my agony....the queue was massive. The waiting was torture, everywhere I looked there were swollen bellies and tiny babies in carriers, it took all my effort to blink away the tears. The couple in front of me were buying a job bath, nappies, food, changing mat, equipment for rock climbing (or so it seemed).

At last I made it to the front to pay, I felt a weight had been lifted...any time now I could get out. The assistant scanned my purchases, then smiled at me and said "could I possibly interest you in a store account?" I nearly ripped her limb from limb, instead I politely declined and staggered outside with an insane grin on my face.

There's a lot to be said for internet shopping!


Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Ugh I am sorry that you had to go through that. I try to avoid those places like the plague.

Carrie said...

That sounds like a truly awful shopping experience.
Funny, when I was out shopping today there seemed to be a disproportionate amount of heavily pregnant woman. It got to me too.
I hate that it can surprise you like that. It's hard enough.

Sarah said...

very impressive, i still couldn't handle those evil stores until i was more than halfway through my pregnancy. you made it though, and with a fantastic gift no doubt!

ultimatejourney said...

Hey hon, I've missed you! Sorry about the awful shopping experience. I guess IF haunts us all a bit because like Sarah, I'm past the halfway point of pregnancy and have yet to go into one of those places. I'm sure your godson's parents will appreciate the effort, though.